Thursday, 31 March 2011

Jokes The Best of the related technology Innocents' Day

With April 1 just around the corner, it's time to start planning their attacks to friends, colleagues, and even your loved ones to make sure it is properly ridiculed, embarrassed, and shame on the Day of the Innocents . We want to make sure no one gets off lightly this year, so to help you formulate your plan, we have prepared a list of the best technology-related jokes and jokes for disposal.

All are quick and easy to perform with minimum effort and guarantee victims the April Fools'Day pranks not to leave a little happy.

The Annoy-A-Tron from ThinkGeek

The annoy-a-tron is essentially a fart machine, high technology, but with a little more flavor. Is $ 12.99 from ThinkGeek and has 6 sounds annoying to be random to annoy anyone within earshot. Turn it on, hide under the desk of a coworker, and see that as trying to get to where the sound of a cricket is coming. It is a small device that is easy to hide, and if your goal find it, they have no idea what it is.

Check out the rest of our jokes after the holidays!

Remapping keyboard shortcuts with shortcuts

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After using a Mac for some time, many users pick up a lot of keyboard shortcuts that will save some time here and there throughout the day. Whether to make a simple copy and paste, save a document, show Safari bookmarks, or update mailboxes, these useful shortcuts soon become commonplace, and often do not realize how much they use them.

Use keyboard shortcuts for Mac, it's easy and fast to re-assign keyboard shortcuts and customize its functions. With a little imagination, this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to sabotage the computer of a colleague while you're away at lunch. Change your copy shortcut to play a song in iTunes, and print your shortcut to launch an application, and you are guaranteed a fun afternoon.

Change language keyboard input

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Unless your friend or colleague who can read and write in any language supported on the Mac operating system, it is committed to wind them. Change the language of your keyboard and the testimony of their bewilderment when they realize everything you type in this report we are working on is in Arabic.

No need any additional software for it - just go to System Preferences and click on "Language and Text. " Click on the "Entrance Sources" and select the language you want to change, a flag appears on the menu bar near the clock and you can click on it to select the language you have chosen. Then remove the tick close to the 'Show input menu in menu bar (as in the photo above) to remove the flag and all evidence of his joke.

IPhone Screen Change 'Black on White'

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One of the accessibility features in the iPhone is for users who prefer a higher contrast, and is called "white on black '. It changes the appearance of an iPhone completely weird and wonderful combination of high contrast colors that makes everything look completely different. For someone who does not know about this feature, picking up his iPhone to find what looks like a full screen malfunction is very worrying. I recommend playing this trick on a loved one while out of the room.

To enable the white on black, go to the iPhone application and go to Configure the "accessibility" in the 'General' tab. Change the 'White on the back "to change colors and will change instantly. The same effect can be achieved on a Mac by pressing Command-Option-Command-8 together.

Disable the mouse from a friend

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long ago, it was very easy to remove the trackball mouse from a friend while they were away and turned off completely in time for his return. But did you know that is just as easy to disable a modern day laser mouse? Simply take a piece of black tape and hide the laser on the base of the device and place wagers with the rest of his friends in the time it will take the victim to realize what has happened.

Blue Screen of Death and Kernal Panic Screensaver

We've all
had, and all the hate. You are sitting working away from the comprehensive document that started three hours, and die all of a sudden everything, and you have a nice big error message as to rub on the face. For Windows users is the blue screen of death, and for the Mac, is the heart of panic. The Windows guys will be more familiar with this than the lucky ones who have a Mac, but equally frustrating that you are using. Unless, of course, does not happen to you - then it's hilarious.

A quick Google search will help you find the above images that can be stored on the computer of your victim. Then go to screen saver preferences and settings of attack. When they return to find the error that is obvious, the pleasure of their frustration, because no need to restart your computer.

Phantom Keystrokes

product ThinkGeek second function of our assessment is the keystroke Ghost - another $ 12.99 device that plugs into the USB port of your target and causes chaos on your screen, ma
king random keystrokes and mouse movements. A switch on the side of the device allows you to choose between writing complete crap, caps lock lever movements, mouse, annoying, or a mixture of all three if you feel really bad. There is also a tool that allows you to adjust the duration between attacks.

This device works on any computer with a USB port (though caps lock switch will not work on a Mac) - all you need do is plug it in....

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